Strip hashtags from string using JavaScript

Here ya go:

postText = 'this is a #test of #hashtags';
var regexp = /#\S+/g;
postText = postText.replace(regexp, 'REPLACED');

This uses the 'g' attribute which means 'find ALL matches', instead of stopping at the first occurrence.


postText = "this is a #bla and a #bla plus#bla"
var regexp = /\#\w\w+\s?/g
postText = postText.replace(regexp, '');

You can write:

// g denotes that ALL hashags will be replaced in postText    
postText = postText.replace(/\b\#\w+/g, ''); 

I don't see a reson for the first \w. The + sign is used for one or more occurences. (Or are you interested only in hashtags with two characters?)

g enables "global" matching. When using the replace() method, specify this modifier to replace all matches, rather than only the first one.


Hope it helps.