StructureMap Exception Code: 202 No Default Instance defined for PluginFamily

Where's your bootstrapping for the IConfiguration concrete class?



This problem was fixed by replacing ObjectFactory.Initialize with ObjectFactory.Configure and adding the assemblies in my project:

ObjectFactory.Configure(x =>
    x.Scan(scan =>

I was seeing the same error. In my case, I had a typo in the implementation name, so the interface and implementation names did not match.

public class FooTypo : IFoo

Where I should have had:

public class Foo : IFoo

I was getting the same error message, but for a different reason. I had a class Foo that defined two constructors like so:

public class Foo : IFoo
    private Bar _bar;

    public Foo()
       _bar = new Bar();

    public Foo(Bar bar)
        _bar = bar;

and my StructureMap configuration was like so:


I kept getting an error message like

202 No Default Instance defined for Bar

The problem was that StructureMap was trying to construct a Foo using the constructor that takes a parameter, instead of using the parameterless default constructor. I solved it using the answer in How to define a default constructor by code using StructureMap? like so:

For<IFoo>.Use(() => new Foo());