Styling polar axes in PolarPlot
modifies the Cartesian axes, not the polar ones:
PolarPlot[θ, {θ, 0, 4 Pi},
AxesStyle -> {Directive[Thick, Blue], Directive[16, Orange]}
I could not find a built-in way to modify the polar axes, so after taking a look at the structure of the Graphics
object generated by PolarPlot
, I came up with the following helper function that modifies the graphics primitives corresponding to axes, ticks, and labels on the polar axes.
By default:
- If these features are not present, nothing happens to the plot even if options were selected;
- If no options are specified, then the defaults output by
will be left alone.
This is colorPolarAxes
Options[colorPolarAxes] =
{PolarAxesStyle -> {}, PolarLabelsStyle -> {}, PolarTicksStyle -> {}};
colorPolarAxes[plot_Graphics, OptionsPattern[]] :=
Text[Style[lbl__, {}], pos__] :> Text[Style[lbl, OptionValue[PolarLabelsStyle]], pos],
Style[Line[def__], {}] :> Style[Line[def], OptionValue[PolarTicksStyle]],
Circle[options__] :> Style[Circle[options], OptionValue[PolarAxesStyle]]
Here is an example of its use:
PolarPlot[θ, {θ, 0, 4 Pi}, PolarAxes -> Automatic, PolarTicks -> {"Degrees", None}],
PolarAxesStyle -> Orange,
PolarLabelsStyle -> {Darker@Green, 14, Italic},
PolarTicksStyle -> {Blue, Thick}
PolarPlot[\[Theta], {\[Theta], 0, 4 Pi},
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.006], Black],
PolarGridLines -> Automatic,
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Dashed, Black], PolarAxes -> Automatic,
PolarTicks -> {"Degrees", Automatic},
TicksStyle -> Directive[Blue, Thick, 14]]