Sublime Text from Command Line

I added this to my PowerShell profile:

Set-Alias subl 'c:\Program Files\Sublime Text\subl.exe'

Modify this as needed for Sublime Text 3 (or any future versions).

You also may read about profiles in built-in help:

Get-Help about_Profiles

From build 3065 (Release Date: 29 August 2014) onwards Sublime text includes a command line helper, nameley subl.exe. It is at sublime's installation folder: copy it in to a folder included in the system path. For example, in my case I copied it

from C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3

to C:\Windows\System32

You may then use in your terminal/console subl as a command to open whatever file, such as in your example:

subl file.rb

Or you may as well modify your system PATH variable to include sublime's instalation folder, but I believe that is much more involved.

Windows Command Prompt

For Windows cmd.exe you could just add the sublime text installation directory to your PATH environment variable, this would allow you to type:

sublime_text file.rb

Personally, I add a doskey (in a .bat file set to autorun with cmd) so I can type subl file.rb:

> doskey subl="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe" $*


For the default bash shell add an alias to your ~/.bashrc file, e.g:

$ echo 'alias subl="/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text.exe"' >> ~/.bashrc