Substitute some 1s with 0s in random list
Updated to include suggestions from comments
My original idea, using BitAnd
, switching $0\leftrightarrow1$, and multiplying. This idea uses 3 vectorized binary operations:
erode1[list_] := Times[
BitAnd[list, PadRight[list, Length@list, 0, 1]]
Here is @Shadowray's improvement, which uses 2 vectorized binary operations. In addition, ArrayPad
is slightly faster than PadRight
erode2[list_] := Times[
BitXor[list, ArrayPad[list, {1, -1}]]
Finally, here is an approach inspired by @garej and @LouisB, which uses 1 vectorized binary operation and 1 vectorized unary operation:
erode3[list_] := Ramp @ Subtract[
ArrayPad[list, {1, -1}]
Here is a comparison of there timings:
data = RandomInteger[1, 10^7];
r1 = erode1[data]; //RepeatedTiming
r2 = erode2[data]; //RepeatedTiming
r3 = erode3[data]; //RepeatedTiming
r1 === r2 === r3
{0.101, Null}
{0.082, Null}
{0.078, Null}
vectorized unary vs binary operators
@io_tuta ask about vectorized unary vs binary operators. This answer (3496) provides a very nice description of vectorized (i.e. packed array) operations. As for the particular difference between unary and binary operators, I expect that unary operators ought to be faster than binary operators. Here is an example demonstrating this:
d1 = RandomReal[1, 10^7];
d2 = RandomReal[1, 10^7];
d1+d2; //RepeatedTiming
UnitStep[d1]; //RepeatedTiming
{0.024, Null}
{0.019, Null}
The unary UnitStep
operation is significantly faster than the binary Plus
The following function is based on the Ramp
and Differences
functions, as suggested in a comment by @garej . Its speed and low memory are surprising.
rampDiff[list_] := Ramp@Prepend[Differences[list], First[list]]
It was tested against the following functions from previous answers and comments:
erode1[list_] :=
Subtract[1, BitAnd[list, PadRight[list, Length@list, 0, 1]]]]
erode2[list_] := BitXor[ArrayPad[list, {1, -1}], list]*list
fcn = Function[{list},
l : {1, __} :> {1, ConstantArray[0, Length@l - 1]}, 1] //
bruteForce[list_] :=
Table[If[list[[i - 1]] == list[[i]] == 1, 0, list[[i]]], {i, 2,
rep[a_] := a
rep[{1, a___}] := {1, {a} - 1}
repSplit[list_] := rep /@ Split@list // Flatten
shortest[list_] := (list //. {a___, 1, 1, Shortest[b___]} :> {a, 1, 0,
caseDiff[list_] :=
Cases[Prepend[Differences[list], First[list]], x_ :> Boole[x == 1]]
The first test was to see that all of the functions give the same results.
functions = { shortest, bruteForce, repSplit, fcn, caseDiff, erode2,
erode1, rampDiff};
data = RandomChoice[{0, 1}, 10^4];
results = Through[functions[data]];
1 == Length@Union@results
(* True *)
The execution time and memory usage tests were conducted as follows.
Through[(Composition[AbsoluteTiming, MaxMemoryUsed, #] & /@
μsecs = Round[Transpose[{1000000, 1} Transpose[%]], 1];
Grid[Prepend[μsecs, {"μ-secs", "Bytes"}],
Alignment -> {Right, Baseline}]
(* μ-secs Bytes
600599 321656
7894 169720
6166 813704
4284 848216
5789 1291216
2737 720384
344 320856
230 160408 *)
In this test the rampDiff
function edged out erode1
in speed and bruteForce
in low memory usage. Thanks to @garej for suggesting it.
First Split
the list into runs of zeros and ones:
split = Split[list]
{{0}, {1, 1}, {0, 0}, {1}, {0}, {1, 1, 1}, {0}}
Then process the lists of ones with length greater than one. One method is with a replacement rule, though a functional approach might be a bit faster:
Replace[split, l : {1, ___} :> {1, ConstantArray[0, Length@l - 1]}, 1]
{{0}, {1, {0}}, {0, 0}, {1}, {0}, {1, {0, 0}}, {0}}
and finally Flatten
to get the desired output:
Flatten @ %
{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}
Putting it all together:
fcn = Function[{list},
l : {1, __} :> {1, ConstantArray[0, Length@l - 1]},
// Flatten
fcn @ list
{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}
Note: We could have used Sequence@@ConstantArray[...]
in the second step, but I didn't bother since we were planning to flatten the list anyway.