Sum involving the hypergeometric function, power and factorial functions
- Multiply your sum by $e^{\mu-z}$ and differentiate with respect to $\mu$ to get
$$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} {}_1F_1(-n,2,-z)\frac{\mu^n}{n!}\tag{1}$$
- Use the (I hope, accidentally) unaccepted answers to your question here to express $_1F_1$ in the sum as generalized Laguerre polynomials:
$$ \frac{_1F_1(-n,2,-z)}{n!}=\frac{L_n^{(1)}(-z)}{(1+1)_n}.\tag{2}$$
- Use (2) and the generating function of Laguerre polynomials (formula 18.12.14) to sum up the series (1) to
$$ \left(-\mu z\right)^{-1/2}e^{\mu}J_1(2\sqrt{-\mu z})=\left(\mu z\right)^{-1/2}e^{\mu}I_1(2\sqrt{\mu z})$$
- Integrate back with respect to $\mu$ and multiply the result by $e^{z-\mu}$. The final result is
$$ e^{z-\mu}\int_0^{\mu}\left(\nu z\right)^{-1/2}e^{\nu}I_1(2\sqrt{\nu z})\,d\nu=z^{-1}e^{z-\mu}\int_0^{2\sqrt{\mu z}}e^{{x^2}/{4z}}I_1(x)\,dx.$$
I don't think the last integral can be expressed in terms of elementary or reasonably simple special functions.