Summing up an array inside of awk?

Try this:

$ awk -F',' 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";print "Name","Sum1","Sum2"}
                  {print $1,$2+$3+$4,$5+$6+$7}' sample.csv 
Name        Sum1 Sum2
abc         6    15
de          15   14
xyz         14   17

There is no need for your bash loop, you can do everything in awk. The -F option allows you to define the input field separator, in this case ,, so you don't need to explicitly split the line. Since awk reads files line by line, you also don't need to read the file in bash.

The BEGIN{} block is executed before reading the first line and just prints the header and sets the output separator (OFS) to a tab. Since the fields are already separated, all you need to do is sum up fields 2-4 and 5-7 and print them for each line.

Setting up $temp

First be sure that you've set up the $temp variable properly:

$ temp="abc,1,2,3,4,5,6"
$ echo "$temp"

Simple example

I used the following approach to do it:

$ echo "$temp" | tr ',' '\n' | grep -v abc | awk '{sum+=$1};END{print sum}'

Your example

Regarding your approach you forgot to print the arrays you accumulated with an END{...} block:

$ echo "$temp" | awk '{split($0,a,","); name=a[1]
      for(i=2;i<=4;i++) sum1+=a[i] ; for(i=5;i<=7;i++) sum2+=a[i] }
      END{print sum1; print sum2}'

Saving for later

Awk doesn't have a method for injecting results back into the parent's shell from where it was called, so you'll have to get a bit crafty and save it's results to an array in Bash.


$ myarr=($(echo "$temp" | awk '{split($0,a,","); name=a[1]
      for(i=2;i<=4;i++) sum1+=a[i] ; for(i=5;i<=7;i++) sum2+=a[i] }
      END{ print sum1; print sum2}'))

The above is doing this:

$ myarr=($(...awk command...))

This will result in your values from sum1 and sum2 being saved into array $myarr.

Accessing the array $myarr

They're accessible like so:

$ echo "${myarr[@]}"
6 15

$ echo "${myarr[0]}"

$ echo "${myarr[1]}"


#!/usr/bin/env bash
printf "%-5s\t%s\t%s\n" Name Sum1 Sum2
while IFS=, read -a Arr
        (( Grp1 = Arr[1] + Arr[2] + Arr[3] ))
        (( Grp2 = Arr[4] + Arr[5] + Arr[6] ))

        printf "%-5s\t%d\t%d\n" ${Arr[0]} $Grp1 $Grp2

done < input.txt


root@ubuntu:~# bash
Name    Sum1    Sum2
abc     6       15
de      15      14
xyz     14      17

Thanks to @1_CR for arithmetic tricks for array element