Supervisor config user option in program section
You can use directory option.
"When supervisord daemonizes, switch to this directory. This option can include the value"
command=python /path/to/
user=bob ; set the user to bob
I have solved this problem:
add environment
option in program section:
See Supervisor doc - Subprocess Environment:
No shell is executed by supervisord when it runs a subprocess, so environment variables such as USER, PATH, HOME, SHELL, LOGNAME, etc. are not changed from their defaults or otherwise reassigned. This is particularly important to note when you are running a program from a supervisord run as root with a user= stanza in the configuration. Unlike cron, supervisord does not attempt to divine and override “fundamental” environment variables like USER, PATH, HOME, and LOGNAME when it performs a setuid to the user defined within the user= program config option. If you need to set environment variables for a particular program that might otherwise be set by a shell invocation for a particular user, you must do it explicitly within the environment= program config option. An example of setting these enviroment variables is as below.
command=/home/chrism/bin/httpd -c "ErrorLog
/dev/stdout" -DFOREGROUND user=chrism