Supervisorctl not respecting my configuration

  • In MacOS, use brew to install
 brew install supervisor
  • Then go to /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini and comment these lines:
;file=/usr/local/var/run/supervisor.sock   ; the path to the socket file

and uncomment these lines:

[inet_http_server]         ; inet (TCP) server disabled by default
port=        ; ip_address:port specifier, *:port for all iface
  • Finally restart the daemon:
brew services restart supervisor

That's all you need.

You should run supervisorctl with -c as well. From the documentation (my emphasis):

The Supervisor configuration file is conventionally named supervisord.conf. It is used by both supervisord and supervisorctl. If either application is started without the -c option (the option which is used to tell the application the configuration filename explicitly), the application will look for a file named supervisord.conf within the following locations, in the specified order. It will use the first file it finds.

  1. $CWD/supervisord.conf
  2. $CWD/etc/supervisord.conf
  3. /etc/supervisord.conf

