svg image as button in flutter

You can use the InkWell to add click functionality to any Widget in Flutter:

  onTap: () {
    print("onTap function."); 
  child: Icon( 

refer this post Flutter SVG rendering to add svg as icon and put SVG as child of InkWell

If you want to create a clickable icon, surround your SVG (loaded using the package flutter_svg) with an IconButton and you will have an onTap method offered, like this:

child: IconButton(
        icon: SvgPicture.asset(
          'path to your asset',
        onPressed: null //do something,

Here is a complete solution using the flutter_svg library. Wrap your widget with InkWell Widget.

        onTap: () {
                    // todo : your code is here
                    print("back button clicked ");
                  child: getSVGImage("assets/images/arrow_back.svg"))

Here, is my helper method getSVGImage("YOUR_ASSET_PATH"). You can paste it to another file to use further access.

Widget getSVGImage(String assetName) {
  final Widget companyLogo = SvgPicture.asset(assetName);
  return companyLogo;

Add dependency like below for flutter_svg package:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_svg: ^1.0.3

You can use the Gesture Detector to add click functionality to any Widget in Flutter:

  onTap: () {
    print("onTap called.");
  child: Text("foo"),

And the child svg Widget is as simple as using this lib (since flutter still doesn't have native SVG support):