Swagger - Springfox always generates some response messages (401,403...) by default. How can I remove them?

You should be able to set up the plugin to not use the default response messages. Follow below instructions for different versions.

For 1.0.2 or prior

  new SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin(...)
        //More config
        .useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //<-- this should be false

For 2.x

  new Docket()
        //More config
        .useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //<-- this should be false

In addition to using

new Docket().useDefaultResponseMessages(false)

you may also need to use this annotation depending on the status code you want to return:


⚠️ Don't use ResponseEntity with WebFlux as that will always add the 200 code. See this github issue.