Sweet Alert with form JS (3 input)

You can use this plugin in order to achive what you want:


It creates forms inside the modal in a syntax-fiendly manner:

    title: 'More complex Swal-Forms example',
    text: 'This has different types of inputs',
    showCancelButton: true,
    confirmButtonColor: '#DD6B55',
    confirmButtonText: 'Get form data!',
    closeOnConfirm: true,
    formFields: [
      { id: 'name', placeholder: 'Name Field' },
      { id: 'nickname', placeholder: 'Add a cool nickname' },
      { id: 'password', type: 'password' },

      { name: 'sex', value: 'Male', type: 'radio' },
      { name: 'sex', value: 'Female', type: 'radio' },

      { name: 'skills', value: 'JS', type: 'checkbox' },
      { name: 'skills', value: 'Ruby', type: 'checkbox' },
      { name: 'skills', value: 'Java', type: 'checkbox' },

      { id: 'select',
        type: 'select',
        options: [
          {value: 'test1', text: 'test1'},
          {value: 'test2', text: 'test2'},
          {value: 'test3', text: 'test3'},
          {value: 'test4', text: 'test4'},
          {value: 'test5', text: 'test5'}
  }, function (isConfirm) {
    // do whatever you want with the form data
    console.log(this.swalForm) // { name: 'user name', nickname: 'what the user sends' }

I know this is old, but I'll answer the question for all the web searchers out there: You need to give an array as an argument, using an html property:

html: "<form action='verify.php' method='post'>
    <input id='user' type='email'>
    <input id='pass' type='password'>
    <input id='idno' type='number'>

Replace verify.php with whatever page you need the data in, and replace the string after html: with whatever HTML code you need.

The only downside is that people need to hit the submit-button on the form, and not SweetAlert's own button, although there might be a way to remove SweetAlert's own button too.