Swift 4 - Notification Center addObserver issue

Data Receiving - Add observer:

override func viewDidLoad() {
     NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(yourfunction(notfication:)), name: .postNotifi, object: nil)

@objc func yourfunction(notfication: NSNotification) {

Sending Data - Post Notification:

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
      NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .postNotifi, object: nil)

extension Notification.Name {
      static let postNotifi = Notification.Name("postNotifi")

You can improve your code with these steps:

extension Notification.Name {
    static let dataDownloadCompleted = Notification.Name(
       rawValue: "dataDownloadCompleted")

And use it like this:

let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default
                               selector: #selector(YourClass.sayHello),
                               name: .dataDownloadCompleted,
                               object: nil)

But as was already pointed out, issue is solved by changing to #selector