Swift Extensions Best Practices

I don't think the "best practices" around this issue have been figured out yet. That said, here is MHO:

Ultimately, I treat these extensions the same way I do global functions in C. After all, that's basically what they are. Global functions with a special syntax...

If the extension is only used in one file, then I will put the extension in the same file. I end up with quite a few of these by the time I'm done. For example, your formatAsTimeString is a view model kind of thing. If it is used by a single view controller, I would leave it in the view controller's file.

If the extension is used by multiple classes, then I will break it out into a separate file. I will name the file after the extension. So for example if the formatAsTimeString is used in multiple files, then I will have a file named something like, "Int+formatAsTimeString.swift" where the extension can live.

If there are a number of related functions, then I will put them together in the same file and name the file based on the abstract idea of the functions. I decide that the functions are related by imagining whether they would all have to be moved together if I choose to use them in a different program... For example, maybe I have other time string related functions...

With Swift3, I generally tend to use 'fileprivate' if the extension is only used in one file.

fileprivate extension Date
    func toString( dateFormat format  : String ) -> String
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
        return dateFormatter.string(from: self)

I'd love to have good "official" guidelines on this! But as mentioned people are figuring this out as we go along.


An interesting use I have found is the in-file extensions for a more complex class, like a ViewController.

Instead of going:

public class MainViewController: UIViewController, SpecialDelegate {
  // functions

You can spread each import into its own extension:

public class MainViewController: UIViewController {
  // functions

extension MainViewController: SpecialDelegate {
  // functions

These effectively serve as easier formatting, and can make it much easier to organize extended classes, especially with very large classes/projects. Note that these should stay in the same file, or at the least in a file right next to the main one.

Simple added functionality

For simple extensions like this:

extension Int {
   Returns true when the integer is even.
  var isEven: Bool {
    return self % 2 == 0

I usually have a folder labeled extensions where I keep all of the extension files. I have witnessed more complicated projects having the files more closely to where they are used, but I disagree with that usage.

After all, extensions are supposed to be used throughout the project, hiding them makes it more difficult to find if a certain extension already exists.

Highly specialized functionality

As mentioned in other replies here it makes sense to create a fileprivate extension for use-cases that will not be used elsewhere, and put in into the file where it is used

fileprivate extension String {
  // Highly specialized function that will NEVER be used anywhere else

Extension Naming

I have noticed various types of writing out extension-files. When I started out doing iOS-dev the prevailing guideline was to write String-Extension.swift. Nowadays String+Extension.swift seems to have won out.

In addition to that a lot of people write the name of the added functionality to the file, like Int+IsEven.swift, but that is only useful if there is a single function per file.



