Swift playground - How to convert a string with comma to a string with decimal

You can use for this Swift 3:

let currentAmount = "2,50"

currentAmount = currentAmount.replacingOccurrences(of: ",", with: ".")

print(currentAmount) // "2.50\n"

update: Xcode 8.2.1 • Swift 3.0.2 You can use NumberFormatter() to convert your string to number. You just need to specify the decimalSeparator as follow:

extension String {
    static let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
    var doubleValue: Double {
        String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
        if let result =  String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
            return result.doubleValue
        } else {
            String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
            if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
                return result.doubleValue
        return 0

"2.25".doubleValue // 2.25
"2,25".doubleValue // 2.25

let price = "2,25"
let costString = String(format:"%.2f", price.doubleValue)   // "2.25"

You should do the currency formatting also with NumberFormat, so create a read-only computed property currency extending FloatingPoint protocol to return a formatted string from the String doubleValue property.

extension NumberFormatter {
    convenience init(style: Style) {
        self.numberStyle = style
extension Formatter {
    static let currency = NumberFormatter(style: .currency)
extension FloatingPoint {
    var currency: String {
        return Formatter.currency.string(for: self) ?? ""

let costString = "2,25".doubleValue.currency   // "$2.25"

Formatter.currency.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
"2222.25".doubleValue.currency    // "$2,222.25"
"2222,25".doubleValue.currency    // "$2,222.25"

Formatter.currency.locale = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR")
"2222.25".doubleValue.currency    // "R$2.222,25"
"2222,25".doubleValue.currency    // "R$2.222,25"