Swift UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath not getting called


    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
      // Do here

Use the above delegate method in swift 3

You have to set an @IBOutlet to the tableView in you ViewController and set as it's delegate and dataSource to you can see the data an respond to changes in the tableView.

Something like this :

override func viewDidLoad() {

    self.tableView.delegate = self
    self.tableView.dataSource = self

And implements the UITableViewDataSource protocol too.

Or you can too in the Interface Builder set the ViewController as it's delegate and dataSource (more easy to do I think) and avoid to set manually in code like above. Is up to you.

I hope this help you.

Everybody is mentioning to set dataSource and delegate of the tableView. But after setting also not working fine then sometimes it may happen because of none or disable selection of table view.

To enable it Go to storyboard -> Select tableView -> click on the attribute inspector ->go to selector -> Select selection as single selection (or multiple selection according to the requirements.)Please find attachment

Please find attached screenshot for your suitability.


