Switch to a different IObservable if the first is empty

The accepted answer is undesirable in my opinion because it uses Subject, Do, and still subscribes to the second sequence when the first isn't empty. The latter can be a big problem if the second observable invokes anything nontrivial. I came up with the following solution instead:

public static IObservable<T> SwitchIfEmpty<T>(this IObservable<T> @this, IObservable<T> switchTo)
    if (@this == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(@this));
    if (switchTo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(switchTo));
    return Observable.Create<T>(obs =>
        var source = @this.Replay(1);
        var switched = source.Any().SelectMany(any => any ? Observable.Empty<T>() : switchTo);
        return new CompositeDisposable(source.Concat(switched).Subscribe(obs), source.Connect());

The name SwitchIfEmpty falls in line with the existing RxJava implementation. Here is an ongoing discussion about incorporating some of the RxJava operators into RxNET.

I'm sure a custom IObservable implementation would be much more efficient than mine. You can find one here written by ReactiveX member akarnokd. It's also available on NuGet.