Switching between Fragments in a single Activity

I create this main layout:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
   tools:context="com.example.fragmentsexample.MainActivity" >

      android:layout_weight="1" />


And I replenished in the FrameActivity with:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  Fragment fragment = new Dashboard();
  FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
  FragmentTransaction transaction = fm.beginTransaction();
  transaction.replace(R.id.contentFragment, fragment);

And I repleace on onClick Method with the same code, changing Fragment (Dashboard for Events):

public void onClick.... {
  Fragment fragment = new Events();
  FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
  FragmentTransaction transaction = fm.beginTransaction();
  transaction.replace(R.id.contentFragment, fragment); //Container -> R.id.contentFragment

Personally, I would not have any <fragment> elements.

Step #1: Populate your activity layout with a <FrameLayout> for the variable piece of the wizard, plus your various buttons.

Step #2: In onCreate() of the activity, run a FragmentTransaction to load the first wizard page into the FrameLayout.

Step #3: On the "next" click, run a FragmentTransaction to replace the contents of the FrameLayout with the next page of the wizard.

Step #4: Add in the appropriate smarts for disabling the buttons when they are unusable (e.g., back on the first wizard page).

Also, you will want to think about how the BACK button should work in conjunction with any on-screen "back" button in the wizard. If you want them to both behave identically, you will need to add each transaction to the back stack and pop stuff off the back stack when you handle the "back" button.

Someday, if nobody beats me to it, I'll try to create a wizard-by-way-of-fragments example, or perhaps a reusable component.