Synchronizing QGIS Print Composer with map view?
With a little help from Python, we could create a function which refreshes your composer map each time the canvas extent (from the main window) has changed. In otherwords, whenever you pan or zoom in/out of the canvas, the composer map will also update. You can type the following code into the Python Console:
def update_composer():
active_Composer = iface.activeComposers()
canvas = iface.mapCanvas()
composer = active_Composer[0]
composition = composer.composition()
maps = [item for item in composition.items() if item.type() == QgsComposerItem.ComposerMap and item.scene()]
composer_map = maps[0]
moveX = composer_map.extent().center().x()-canvas.extent().center().x()
moveY = composer_map.extent().center().y()-canvas.extent().center().y()
unitCon = composer_map.mapUnitsToMM()
composer_map.moveContent(-moveX * unitCon, moveY * unitCon)
Credit to the author Ed B for his plugin: Sync Composer With Map of which this code was based upon (you can download/install this plugin from the menubar: Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins...
I try this solution:
def print_image(self):
layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers()
"""select layer by name"""
for name, layer in layers.iteritems():
self.iface.mapCanvas().zoomToSelected( lay )
path = 'C:\new folder\image.png'
This makes a photo of the map view and I get the selected objects
I have finally used this solution:
In layer Properties->Style->Rule-based
With $id=$atlasfeatureid I can see the items selected by the atlas