systemd-journal + systemd-resolve + dnsmasq high cpu usage

Suggested by another Steps of solution

Add the line DNSMASQ_EXCEPT=lo to /etc/default/dnsmasq

sudo nano /etc/default/dnsmasq

Restart dnsmasq via

sudo service systemd-resolved restart

Say Thanks If I helped, It went back to normal and does NOT screw around with other apps, as the previous method DID.

Cheers, Mark

I had the same Problem in 18.04. systemd-resolved and dnsmasq tend to loop. I solved it this way:

Add or uncomment the following line in /etc/default/dnsmasq:


Create your own resolv file (/etc/resolv.personal) to define nameservers. You can use any nameserver here. I took two from OpenNIC.


In /etc/dnsmasq.conf add or uncomment the following line:


Then restart dnsmasq and disable the default resolver: systemd-resolved.

sudo service dnsmasq restart
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved