systemerror pyeval_evalframeex returned a result with an error set code example

Example: systemerror pyeval_evalframeex returned a result with an error set


Unfortunately I don't have a minimal example ready (I gave it a quick
try, and I got segfaults...), but Python 3.5 seems to have uncovered
an issue with my code which was hidden before.

I have a custom QNetworkAccessManager which returns a custom
QNetworkReply in createRequest, which has a wrong signature for
readData (missing maxlen parameter):

    def readData(self):

This worked fine with Python 3.4 (because the reply only returned
bytes() anyways), but with 3.5 I get this:

    TypeError: readData() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    SystemError: PyEval_EvalFrameEx returned a result with an error set

Of course this was an issue with my code, but it seems there's an
issue somewhere with PyQt as well.

Here is the (corrected) code:

ErrorNetworkReply gets used here:

I'll try to work on a minimal example again later this week or next
week, but no promises - I have a bit much on my plate right now.


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