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New posts in Elementary Number Theory
Prime factoring $2^{22} + 1$ the sneaky way?
May 09, 2021
Addition and multiplication in terms of arrows in the poset category where an existing arrow means "divides".
May 09, 2021
Prove that if x,y,z are positive integers such that $x^3+y^3+z^3=3(x+y+z+xyz)$ then they must be consecutive numbers
May 09, 2021
Is the representation of any prime of the form $6n+1$ as $a^2+3b^2$ essentially unique?
May 09, 2021
Analyzing a Diophantine equation: $A^k + 1 = B!$ Efficient way to solve.
May 09, 2021
Number of $n \to p \bmod n$ before getting to 0
May 09, 2021
For any odd prime $p$, a quadratic is solvable mod $p^2$ if it is solvable mod $p$, and $p$ does not divide the discriminant and leading coefficient.
May 09, 2021
Prove that the diophantine equation $(xz+1)(yz+1)=az^{k}+1$ has infinitely many solutions in positive integers.
May 09, 2021
Starting with $1,9,9,3$ the sequence continues as the last digit of the sum of preceding 4 terms. Will subsequence $7, 3, 6, 7$ ever appear in it?
May 09, 2021
Proving that $\left[ \mathbb{Q} \left( \sqrt[3]{4+\sqrt{5}} \right ) : \mathbb{Q} \right] = 6$
May 09, 2021
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