table in jupyter notebook code example
Example 1: Jupyter markdown
Jupyter Markdown Notation
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
*Italics* or _Italics_
**Bold** or __Bold__
**_Bold and Italics_**
~~Strike Through~~
* Bullet Point or
- Bullet Point or
+ Bullet Point
1. Numbered
1. Sub Number
Example 2: table of contents jupyter notebook
You can add a TOC manually with Markdown and HTML. Here's how I have been adding:
Create TOC at top of Jupyter Notebook:
## TOC:
* [First Bullet Header](#first-bullet)
* [Second Bullet Header](#second-bullet)
Add html anchors throughout body:
## First Bullet Header <a class="anchor" id="first-bullet"></a>
code blocks...
## Second Bullet Header <a class="anchor" id="second-bullet"></a>
code blocks...
Example 3: jupyter notebook tables
<td>first </td>
<td>first </td>