Table is neither enables nor disabled in HBase

I had faced similar issue on Production. The problem was specific Hbase Table Meta corrupted. So I deleted the table manually from zookeeper using below

1. Enter into hbase zookeper client mode using hbase zkcli command

2. Delete the table using the command delete /hbase/table/x

3. Delete the table using the command delete /hbase/table-lock/x

After following above command, restarted Hbase but issue still appeared so I deleted region of Hbase Table from Hbase system Table using below

1. Enter into hbase using hbase shell command

2. Delete the Table Regions which is stuck in transition state using below command

deleteall 'hbase:meta','XXX,Table_region.'

the follow steps was useful to me:

  1. enter into hbase shell
  2. get 'hbase:meta', '<AFFECTED_TABLE_NAME>', 'table:state'
  3. Notice the above "value". The value should either be \x08\x00 (Enabled) or \x08\x01 (Disabled)
  4. put 'hbase:meta','<AFFECTED_TABLE_NAME>','table:state',"\b\0" to make the table enable

I had a similar issue before. The problem was because Zookeeper was holding the table. So I deleted the table manually by following the below steps

  1. Enter into hbase zookeper client mode using hbase zkcli command
  2. Delete the table using the command delete /hbase/table/x

