Tablesorter - Remove Filter From Columns

You can use either the header option or add the "filter-false" class to the TH tag for that column.

The header option is documented in the tablesorter documentation - click on "headers" in the property column of the configuration table. The syntax for the option is:

headers: { 0: { filter: false} }

Use the following CSS if you don't want to show the default disabled filter formatting:

.tablesorter thead .disabled {display: none}

You can disable filter and/or sort for a specific column using:

<th data-sorter="false" data-filter="false"></th>

to disable filter for specific column use <th data-filter="false"></th>

to disable sort for specific column use <th data-sorter="false"></th>

combine them to disable both. <th data-sorter="false" data-filter="false"></th>

this will cause the class "disabled" will be applied to the textbox used for filtering. The textbox will be grayed out. if you want to hide the textbox altogether, just add this

    .tablesorter thead .disabled {