Tabular, make a column or a row emphasized

>{..} defines what to do before the cell

\usepackage{array}% for extended column definitions    

\begin{tabular}{c >{\em}c c}
foo & bar & baz


Just worth adding to @Herbert's answer, that you can also make an entire column bold with >{\bfseries}, used in exactly the same way as he uses >{\em}. The meaning of bfseries is discussed in detail here.

As stated in the comments here, you can use \normalfont{} to unbold the column header.

    \begin{tabular}{>{\bfseries}l l}
        \normalfont{foo} & bar \\
        foo & baz \\
        bar & qux \\

enter image description here

A very elementary addon but I was unable to find this elsewhere online and it may save someone a few minutes of head-scratching: you can add multiple styles to each line with a space:

\begin{tabular}{|c |>{\huge \bfseries}c |}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Using multiple styles on a column}\\
normal & bold and huge\\
0 & 0\\
1 & 1\\

enter image description here

