tabular vertical alignment to top?


  \emph{Normal} & \emph{Cone} \\

The topic has been discussed (and solved) in German here:

In your case, try:

\begin{tabular}[h]{ c | c}
    \emph{Normal} & \emph{Cone} \\
    \raisebox{-\height+\baselineskip}{\includegraphics[width=0.39\textwidth]{images/pipe1}} &

This should also solve the problem of the empty line above.

If you would like to stick with the imagetop command, try:


Regarding WLanger's question about Alexey's solution: to adjust for the empty line on top of the image, put the text into a \parbox, and use \raisebox (with a negative value) to adjust it's vertical position.

\raisebox{value}{your text here} % will lower text if it has a negative value.

\parbox{width}{your text here} % will allow for text wrapping

You will have to nest them, like this:

\raisebox{value}{\parbox{width}{your text goes here}}

So the result will be this:


  \emph{Normal} & \emph{Cone} \\        
  \imagetop{\includegraphics[width=0.39\textwidth]{images/pipe1}} & \raisebox{-1cm}{\parbox{8cm}{Replace this with your text, and adjust the raisebox and parbox values to your liking. I don't know the measurements of the images you're using or I'd do it for you.}

It isn't elegant, but it works!