Tabularx environment

Here are two solutions. The first uses a tabularx environment, with all six columns using a centered version of the X column type. The second uses a tabular* environment, with all six columns using the c column type. Both solutions occupy the full width of the textblock.

Since \multicolumn{1}{l}{} does nothing at all, you might as well omit those instructions.

enter image description here

\newcommand{\mr}[1]{\multirow{2}{*}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
% centered version of X column type:

\usepackage[skip=0.333\baselineskip]{caption} % optional

%%\centering  % <-- redundant
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} *{6}{C} @{}}
1         & 2      & 3      & 4      & 5      & 6 \\
\mr{Pepe} & \mr{a} & \mr{b} & \mr{c} & \mr{d} & e \\
          &        &        &        &        & f \\
  &  &  &  &  &  \\ % no need for "\multicolumn{1}{l}{}" stuff

\vspace{1cm} %
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{6}{c} }
1         & 2      & 3      & 4      & 5      & 6 \\
\mr{Pepe} & \mr{a} & \mr{b} & \mr{c} & \mr{d} & e \\
          &        &        &        &        & f \\
  &  &  &  &  &  \\ % no need for "\multicolumn{1}{l}{}" stuff

As @daleif mentioned you forgot to add the second bracket with your columns' specification {cccccc}. Probably there is a reason why you want to use the tabularx environment from the tabularx package.

The pack­age de­fines an en­vi­ron­ment tab­u­larx, an ex­ten­sion of tab­u­lar which has an ad­di­tional col­umn des­ig­na­tor, X, which cre­ates a para­graph-like col­umn whose width au­to­mat­i­cally ex­pands so that the de­clared width of the en­vi­ron­ment is filled. (Two X columns to­gether share out the avail­able space be­tween them, and so on.)

I guess you want to adapt the width of the first column as shown in the following example.

Compiled output (using standalone class)

I give you the according code as a MWE:

% The [following] pack­age en­hances the qual­ity of ta­bles [...]
% Macro to simplify the code

\caption{My caption}
1         & 2      & 3      & 4      & 5      & 6 \\
\mr{Pepe} & \mr{a} & \mr{b} & \mr{c} & \mr{d} & e \\
          &        &        &        &        & f \\
  &  &  &  &  &  \\


Additionally, keep in mind that there is a package called tabu, which is more powerful than tabularx.

You do not need multicolumns in every cell, nor \multirow{2}{*}{...}, nor tabularx or tabular* to extend the text width, nor empty rows. Here you have enough with m columns (of array package) and, of course, with booktabs: :)


\caption{My caption}
1  & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\\midrule
Pepe & a & b & c  & d &e\par f\\\bottomrule

By the way, I would not use columns of more two-three em here. Widening the table as much as possible instead of a small centered table does not make it more beautiful, but ugly scattered.