Taco roadmap - Update 11 with Cordova 7 support

I think it is safe to assume Microsoft has abandoned TACO platform, putting their focus in this space to Xamarin.

  • As you pointed out, the last update to the tool was 2 years ago, Jan 2016.
  • The last entry in The Visual Studio Blog ("The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team") was 15 months ago, Oct 2016.
  • According to his LinkedIn profile, Jordan Matthiesen, who was Program Manager for VS Taco, is now Program Manager for Visual Studio For Mac.

For myself, a Visual Studio user for 27 years, I have switched to using Cordova CLI and Visual Studio Code on Mac.

After a few try i have found a way:

Follow this steps:

  1. install nodejs 4.8.7 on your machine

  2. in visual studio go under tools>options>"Tools for apache cordova" and deflag chekbox "use a sandboxed version of NodeJS"

  3. Edit taco.json file of your project and set "cordova-cli": "7.1.0"

  4. Open a new console and install cordova on your machine (npm install -g [email protected])

For android build:

  1. open prompt, digit android and press return
  2. dovnload API 26 SDK from tool
  3. download gradle 2.x and put bin folder in your system path
  4. install jdk 1.8.x and set java_home system var to it reboot