Target overrides the `OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS` build setting

I also had same problem where I have to use multiple targets and cocoapods

  1. Staging / Development
  2. Production

You can add multiple swift flags in targets --> Build Settings ---> Other Swift flags.

  1. Select your project

  2. Switch to your project 's Build Settings panel.

  3. Search for Other Swift Flags

  4. Now you may see the value of Other Swift Flags shows in BOLD

(BOLD also means this value is being overridden)

enter image description here

As the warnings showing in terminal:

Use the $(inherited) flag, or - Remove the build settings from the target.

You can make the compiler happy in these two ways:

Option 1:

Double click the Other Swift Flags value area and replace the value with $(inherited)

Option 2:

Select the Other Swift Flags panel to make it highlight. Then press the Delete Button in your keyboard and now the font will become THIN, instead of BOLD.