TeamCity dotCover report path for Sonar

It seems TeamCity 2017 no longer creates coverage_dotcover*.data files. Instead it creates *.dcvr files.

There are potentially multiple files which need to be merged before you can create the report. As a result the powershell need updating.

So using the steps provided by Oleksandr, just update the script to be:

$snapshotfiles = Get-ChildItem "" `
 -recurse -Filter *.dcvr `
 | select -ExpandProperty Name

$snapshots = $snapshotfiles -join ";"

%teamcity.dotCover.home%\dotCover.exe merge /Source=$snapshots 

%teamcity.dotCover.home%\dotCover.exe report `
/ReportType=HTML /Source=dotcovermerge.dcvr `

Then the property %sonar.coverageReport% can be passed to the sonarqube scanner. Btw, you need to create a parameter in TC for %sonar.coverageReport% e.g. "sonarcoverage.html"

Spent some amount of time on the same issue, but with newer Sonar c# plugin (v.2.3) - Gallio support has been dropped, but the report is still required.

To answer the question directly, TeamCity puts dotcover snapshot file into a temp folder with a name like (where digits are random). So

The procedure is:

  1. Create a PowerShell Build step in Team City after the step with test and coverage
    • you may use Command line if you prefer
  2. Get the full dotCover snapshot name in temp folder
  3. Run dotCover to produce a HTML report from a snapshot
    • Note - Sonar (c# plugin v 2.3) supports only dotCover HTML reports
  4. Pass the produced HTML report to sonar

PowerShell script:

$snapshot = Get-ChildItem "" `
     -Filter coverage_dotcover*.data `
     | select -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1

%teamcity.dotCover.home%\dotCover.exe report `
    /ReportType=HTML /Source="$snapshot" `

Now you can specify your report in sonnar runner as sonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths='%sonar.coverageReport%'

Where %sonar.coverageReport% is a defined property in a TeamCity