Telegram Bot custom keyboard in PHP

The docs seem to indicate you need to provide the reply_markup parameter as a JSON serialised object... kinda stupid for a form POST endpoint:

$replyMarkup = array(
    'keyboard' => array(
        array("A", "B")
$encodedMarkup = json_encode($replyMarkup);
$content = array(
    'chat_id' => <chat_id>,
    'reply_markup' => $encodedMarkup,
    'text' => "Test"

Does this one work?

   $keyboard = array(array("[Destaques]","[Campinas e RMC]","[esportes]"));
   $resp = array("keyboard" => $keyboard,"resize_keyboard" => true,"one_time_keyboard" => true);
   $reply = json_encode($resp);
   $url = $GLOBALS[website]."/sendmessage?chat_id=".$chatId."&text=oi&reply_markup=".$reply;

This code works fine!