tell me about a professional challenge you've faced and how it was resolved code example

Example: tell me a challenge you overcame

Describe a challenge that you overcame.
Life is full of challenges. But challenges are inevitable truth of
life and make you stronger.
One of my last project I was working for a Turkish magazine.
The magazine was renewing its webpage and implementing a
new ios and android application.
We got the requirement and team started to work. After
second sprint I realized that there was date and hours at the
front page but it was adjusted just for Turkey. But the
magazine had online subscriber all over the world. I talked
with the developer as a friend and said that it was not
appropriate. But he did not accept, because there was nothing
about it, in the requirement.
We discussed the issue in the Sprint as a team. I tried to
convince them that we had subscriber all over the world. The
hours and the dates were not the same for everyone. If any
subscriber opens the application in Australia, for example, he
or she would see the hour and the date was behind their local
time and when opened in the US, people would see the
different date. Very few team members said that all the
subscribers are Turkish and speak Turkish. But I insisted
that time has nothing to do with the nation or the
After long discussions, the product owner and everyone
accepted my appeal and we made some improvements. So, the
release delayed for a few days. The CEO was angry. But at the
end of the day, he learned the reason and thanked me
Work on result more. I think, the most important problem is
misunderstanding and the lack of communication in the
business life. If we come together as a group and discuss it,
there is nothing we cannot solve. I'm really grateful and
blessed to have been in the team that I was in, because we
were able to collaborate and come together to solve the
And technical challenge I have faced is locating dynamic
elements by retrieving the right HTML code from the web pages.
Id's were problem; sometimes it appears on the page, while
sometimes it just disappears. Then I had to put either implicit or
explicit wait to locate them.


Misc Example