Template class with template container

If you look at the definitions of list and vector from cplusplus.com, for example they are:

template < class T, class Alloc = allocator<T> > class list;


template < class T, class Alloc = allocator<T> > class vector;

So this should go as the type of the container, the other template parameter is the type of the elements. As an example this program will output 3:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

template <template <typename...> typename C, typename T>
struct Cont {
    C<T> info;
int main(void)
    Cont<list, int> cont;

    cout << cont.info.front() << endl;

    return 0;

Another approach to solve this is by using variadic templates and with that you can use any container as suggested in comments above and here is the implemenation :

template<template <typename... Args> class Container,typename... Types>
class Test
    Container<Types...> test;

int main()
  Test<std::vector,int> t;
  Test<std::set,std::string> p;
  return 0;

You should use template template parameters:

template<typename T, template <typename, typename> class Container>
//                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
class MyMultibyteString
    Container<T, std::allocator<T>> buffer;
    // ...

This would allow you to write:

MyMultibyteString<int, std::vector> mbs;

Here is a compiling live example. An alternative way of writing the above could be:

template<typename T,
    template <typename, typename = std::allocator<T>> class Container>
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
class MyMultibyteString
    Container<T> buffer; // <== No more need to specify the second argument here
    // ...

And here is the corresponding live example.

The only thing you have to pay attention to is that the number and type of arguments in the template template parameter declaration must match exactly the number and type of arguments in the definition of the corresponding class template you want to pass as a template argument, regardless of the fact that some of those parameters may have default values.

For instance, the class template std::vector accepts two template parameters (the element type and the allocator type), although the second one has the default value std::allocator<T>. Because of this, you could not write:

template<typename T, template <typename> class Container>
//                             ^^^^^^^^
//                             Notice: just one template parameter declared!
class MyMultibyteString
    Container<T> buffer;
    // ...

// ...

MyMultibyteString<int, std::vector> mbs; // ERROR!
//                     ^^^^^^^^^^^
//                     The std::vector class template accepts *two*
//                     template parameters (even though the second
//                     one has a default argument)

This means that you won't be able to write one single class template that can accept both std::set and std::vector as a template template parameter, because unlike std::vector, the std::set class template accepts three template parameters.