TensorFlow 1.14.0 is not using GPU

My particular problem was that TensorFlow 1.14.0 were seeking for CUDA 10.0 binary, while I had only 10.1 installed. For some reason CUDA 10.0 could not be installed on my Ubuntu 19.04 so I installed 18.04 instead and followed standard way to make TF work with GPU (install CUDA 10.0, install CUDNN, etc.) and everything works just fine.

This table shows TF versions vs. required CUDA versions: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#linux

Here are instructions from TF: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu#ubuntu_1804_cuda_10

You may also downgrade to TF 1.12 (CUDA 9.0): https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu#ubuntu_1604_cuda_90_for_tensorflow_1130

make sure your cuda version is matched with TensorFlow, more details could be found here

conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu=1.14.0 seems install tensorflow 1.14.0 that supports CUDA 10.1.

More details can be found here.