Terminal window inside Xcode?

Unfortunately there is no such a thing in Xcode. We have to fall back to external Terminal window.

If you really want to do it, you can add a build phase and run script that opens the Terminal - but that might not be what you are looking for.

enter image description here

  1. Create executable shell script with the following contents and save it anywhere

    open -a Terminal "`pwd`"
    • Add execute permissions to your script: $ chmod +x <YourShellScript>
  2. In the Xcode menu bar, Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Behaviors.
  3. Add a Custom behavior
  4. Name it "Open Terminal", or whatever.
  5. (Optional) Configure a hotkey for the behavior by tapping on the
  6. (Optional) Input hotkey combination
  7. Checkmark Run, select you script from step 1.
  8. Use it within Xcode.

Image with numbers corresponding to steps


