ternary operator in jquery code example

Example 1: ternary function javascript

var variable;
if (condition)
  variable = "something";
  variable = "something else";

//is the same as:

var variable = condition ? "something" : "something else";

Example 2: javascript ternary operator

//ternary operator syntax and usage:
condition ? doThisIfTrue : doThisIfFalse

//Simple example:
let num1 = 1;
let num2 = 2;
num1 < num2 ? console.log("True") : console.log("False");
// => "True"

//Reverse it with greater than ( > ):
num1 > num2 ? console.log("True") : console.log("False");
// => "False"

Example 3: or statment javscript

if (x === 5 || x === 8)
  console.log("x is eaqual to 5 OR 8")

Example 4: examples of Conditional Operator js

var age = 19;
var canDrive = age > 16 ? 'yes' : 'no';


Html Example