Test if string has non whitespace characters in Bash

You can use bash's regex syntax.

It requires that you use double square brackets [[ ... ]], (more versatile, in general).
The variable does not need to be quoted. The regex itself must not be quoted

for str in "         "  "abc      " "" ;do
    if [[ $str =~ ^\ +$ ]] ;then 
      echo -e "Has length, and contain only whitespace  \"$str\"" 
      echo -e "Is either null or contain non-whitespace \"$str\" "


Has length, and contain only whitespace  "         "
Is either null or contain non-whitespace "abc      " 
Is either null or contain non-whitespace "" 

Many of these answers are far more complex, or far less readable, than they should be.

[[ $string = *[[:space:]]* ]]  && echo "String contains whitespace"
[[ $string = *[![:space:]]* ]] && echo "String contains non-whitespace"