Test that either one thing holds or another in AssertJ

Inspired by this thread, you might want to use this little repo I put together, that adapts the Hamcrest Matcher API into AssertJ's Condition API. Also includes a handy-dandy conversion shell script.


Since 3.12.0 AssertJ provides satisfiesAnyOf which succeeds is one of the given assertion succeeds,

    listParam -> assertThat(listParam).contains(Tags.SWEETS, Tags.HIGH),
    listParam -> assertThat(listParam).contains(Tags.SOUPS, Tags.RED)

Original answer:

No, this is an area where Hamcrest is better than AssertJ.

To write the following assertion:

Set<String> goodTags = newLinkedHashSet("Fine", "Good");
Set<String> badTags = newLinkedHashSet("Bad!", "Awful");
Set<String> tags = newLinkedHashSet("Fine", "Good", "Ok", "?");

// contains is statically imported from ContainsCondition
// anyOf succeeds if one of the conditions is met (logical 'or') 
assertThat(tags).has(anyOf(contains(goodTags), contains(badTags)));

you need to create this Condition:

import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.newArrayList;    
import java.util.Collection;    
import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;

public class ContainsCondition extends Condition<Iterable<String>> {
  private Collection<String> collection;

  public ContainsCondition(Iterable<String> values) {
    super("contains " + values);
    this.collection = newArrayList(values);

  static ContainsCondition contains(Collection<String> set) {
    return new ContainsCondition(set);

  public boolean matches(Iterable<String> actual) {
    Collection<String> values = newArrayList(actual);
    for (String string : collection) {
      if (!values.contains(string)) return false;
    return true;

It might not be what you if you expect that the presence of your tags in one collection implies they are not in the other one.