Test the program using the following procedure: STACK of size N=6 1. Call PUSH(5) 2. Call PUSH(2) 3. Call PUSH(3) 4. Call POP() 5. Call PUSH(6) 6. Call PUSH(9) 7. Call PUSH(3) 8. Call DISPLAY() 9. Call TOP() in python code example

Example: Test the program using the following procedure: STACK of size N=6 1. Call PUSH(5) 2. Call PUSH(2) 3. Call PUSH(3) 4. Call POP() 5. Call PUSH(6) 6. Call PUSH(9) 7. Call PUSH(3) 8. Call DISPLAY() 9. Call TOP()


using namespace std;

int top = 1;
int arr[5];

void push(int arr[], int item)

    if (top > 5)
        cout << "Stack is Over Flow";
        top = top + 1;
        arr[top] = item;


void pop(int arr[])

    for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
        if (top == 0)
            cout << "Stack Is Uder Flow";


            arr[top] = arr[top + 1];
            top = top - 1;


void peak(int arr[], const int size)

    cout << endl
         << "Your Stack Value IS" << endl;
    for (int o = size; o > 0; o--)
        if (arr[o] != 0)
            cout << arr[o] << endl;

int _tmain(int argc)
    system("color f0");
    push(arr, 5);
    push(arr, 2);
    push(arr, 3);
    int a = arr[4];
    int b = arr[3];
    push(arr, b + 2);
    push(arr, 8);
    push(arr, a + b);
    cout << " Yor Stack Value IS" << endl;
    while (top != 0)
        if (arr[top] != 0)
            cout << " " << arr[top] << endl;

    return 0;


Misc Example