testcases in jira code example

Example: how to write test cases in jira

How to create a Test on Jira XRay:
	- Click Create button on main page
	- Choose Project
	- Choose Test option from Issue Type dropdown menu
	- Under General tab: 
		- Enter Summary, Description, Assignee, Priority, Environment...
	- Under Test Details tab:
		- Choose Test Type: Cucumber or Manual
		- Cucumber Type: Scenario or Scenario Outline
		- Write your test steps with Given, When, Then keyword
		- If you choose Manual, than write your Steps, 
        Data and Expected Result manually into related window. 
	- Under Test Plans tab:
		- Choose a Test Plan to link your Test
	- After creating Jira Test it is going to be under To Do.
    Once you start to execute change the Status to In Development.
	- If you execute manual testing, go to this Test,
    and go down and find Test Runs section. 
    Click Execute In and then New Test Execution. 
    Now you are on execution page.
	- Go down and find Execution Details. 
    Write your comments for each step. 
    Attach your Evidence. Choose any flag
    for Pass or Fail. If it is failed,
    click Defects and create a Bug on openning window.


Misc Example