Text Area maxlength not working

There's no maxlength attribute defined for textarea. You need to implement this using javascript.

Yup maxlength does not work in textarea. But you can use jQuery something like this:

var $limitNum = 500;
$('textarea[name="textarea_name"]').keydown(function() {
    var $this = $(this);

    if ($this.val().length > $limitNum) {
        $this.val($this.val().substring(0, $limitNum));

I tried maxlength in textarea, but does not count the characters correctly(also counts the EOLs). I use max_length attribute instead of normal maxlength.


<textarea name="whatever" max_length="100"></textarea>


  var maxlength = parseInt($(this).attr('max_length')),
      text = $(this).val(),
      eol = text.match(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g),
      count_eol = $.isArray(eol) ? eol.length : 0,//error if eol is null
      count_chars = text.length - count_eol;
  if (maxlength && count_chars > maxlength)
    $(this).val(text.substring(0, maxlength + count_eol));

