text mesh pro unity scripting code example

Example 1: what to include if using text mesh pro

using UnityEngine
// Include the name space for TextMesh Pro
using TMPro;
public class MyClass : MonoBehaviour
  private TMP_Text m_TextComponent;

  private void Awake()
          // Get a reference to the text component.
          // Since we are using the base class type <TMP_Text> this component could be either a <TextMeshPro> or <TextMeshProUGUI> component.
          m_TextComponent = GetComponent<TMP_Text>();

          // Change the text on the text component.
          m_TextComponent.text = "Some new line of text.";

Example 2: unity change tmp text from script

using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;

void Update()
    TextMeshPro lemonsss = GetComponent<TextMeshPro>();

Example 3: unity get textmesh pro component
