Text wrapping with dot (graphviz)
graphviz doesn't support automatic line breaks. You have to put the \n in manually.
you can set a width and a height to a node and define it as fixedsized - this will limit the size of the node and draw only as much text as fits into the node
Although graphviz does not support text wrapping by itself, dot2tex (latex+graphviz) does. The dot2texi latex package gives an all-in-one solution, with (from the users point of view) a single call to a single tool to build the graph.
A short example:
digraph G {
d2toptions ="--autosize"
node [lblstyle="text width=10em,align=center"]
a [texlbl="This text will be automatically wrapped, for example at a fixed width."]
b [texlbl="Manual linebreaks from past century can be avoided!"]
a -> b
This can be compiled invoking for example: pdflatex --shell-escape myFile.tex
, the text will be automatically wrapped at the prescribed fixed width.
As a side note, this tool seems a handy workaround for graphviz' limited typesetting control of the nodes contents.