textwidth=0 and wrapwidth=0 in .vimrc.local not being respected

To find out where 'textwidth' and 'wrapmargin' were set last, execute

:verbose set tw? wm?

To see what files have been sourced, execute


If those aren't enough to find the problem, you can use the -V option when Vim starts and log the various startup events to a file. See

:help -V

Also, the default values for 'textwidth' and 'wrapmargin' are both 0, not 72 and 2, so already something is setting them to non-default values. For the default values, see

:help 'textwidth'
:help 'wrapmargin'

Something else to check is the possibility that a filetype plugin is making those settings. The :verbose set ... command should show where those settings are being made, but you could also execute

:set filetype?

to see the current filetype, then open $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/<filetype>.vim, where <filetype> is the value of the 'filetype' option found above, to see if those settings are being made there. You can override settings made by a filetype plugin by putting your settings in a file you create, named ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/<filetype>.vim. See

:help filetype-overrule

item #3.

I solved this by adding the following to my .vimrc.local file:

" Disable annoying auto line break
fu! DisableBr()
    set wrap
    set linebreak
    set nolist  " list disables linebreak
    set textwidth=0
    set wrapmargin=0
    set fo-=t

" Disable line breaks for all file types
:au BufNewFile,BufRead *.* call DisableBr()

This should disable unwanted auto line breaks for all file types