The Doughnut Shop™
Python, 263 bytes
So I saw a challenge with no answers that looked relatively easy but also interesting and thought to myself:
Hmm... If I'm the only one with an answer, I'll be winning until a better answer inevitably shows up.
So I sat down with Python for a few minutes and came up with a rough draft which, with the help of the community's suggestions, I have been tweaking to reduce its size.
from random import*
def D(O,I,S,P):
a=range(-O,O+1);C=lambda x,y,z,n:(n-.5)**2<x*x+y*y<(z+.5)**2
if I>=O:I=0
for y in a:
for x in a:
if C(x,y,O,O)+(C(x,y,I,I)&(I!=0)):R+='#'
elif C(x,y,O,I)&(uniform(0,1)<P):R+=choice(s)
else:R+=' '
For the examples above, this creates
>>> D(10, 4, "^+*-", 0.1)
## ##
# * #
# #
# + ^ #
# + #
# + +##### - #
# ## ## ^ #
# ## ## * #
#- # # #
# # # + #
# + # # #
# ## ## #
# ## ## * #
#+- ##### #
# - - #
# - - +#
# ^ #
# - + #
## * ##
>>> D(5, 2, ":^+*", 0.9)
#*^:* #
#* :###+*:#
#:*# #+:#
#::# #+ #
#+:# #*:#
# + :*^ #
# *:+*#
I highly doubt that this is the shortest possible solution, but I think it worked out pretty well for a self-taught teenager's attempt to kill time. Since this was designed to be as small as possible, I have not included comments and have taken shortcuts on every variable name and as such, this program is more for usability than readability.
Should you want to use this code for some reason unbeknownst to me, just run it in IDLE and type the command
D(Outer Radius, Inner Radius, Sprinkles, Chance of Sprinkle)
in the format described above.
MATLAB, 231 bytes
Here a matlab solution:
function g=z(r,q,s,p);[x,y]=meshgrid(1:2*r,1:2*r);d=(x-r).^2+(y-r).^2;h=size(d);e=zeros(h);e(d<r^2 & d>=q^2)=1;f=bwperim(e,4);k=rand(h);j=numel(s);l=changem(randi(j,h),s,1:j);g=char(e);g(:,:)=' ';g(k<=p)=l(k<=p);g(f)='#';g(~e)=' ';
Some examples:
>> z(10, 4, '^+*-', 0.1)
ans =
# #
## ##
# - -#
# #
# - ##### ^ #
# # # #
# -# # #
# * # #+ #
#** # # #
# * # # - #
#+ *# # #
# # # #
# ##### #
# ^ #
# * #
##+ ##
# #
>> z(5, 2, ':^+*', 0.9)
ans =
# # #+#
#^# #^#
#*# #*#
>> z(20,6, 'erthhjjjjkjkk', 0.4)
ans =
##jh k k k ##
## jjj j khh ##
#r kj h k tjhj j #
##jk t k jh j h##
#k rre k j #
# j j j j khtkt jr kj #
# k rk je j h j #
# j k k jth e k j j j #
#h h h e t e ej j r k r e #
# j r jh jk j kk j #
# k k h k jk k j #
# jjk hh k hj r j je rjj k j #
# ek j j jj h####### hke #
#hj k j j # #ke jhkt jee #
# jk k# # k j t #
#k j # #khk r j#
# tj j te # # j r j j #
#e je jhk# # t j #
#jj j h # # k jj e #
# j j hj j # # jkt kjjjr e#
#j k e # # r k#
#jj k ek # # hj j rtj #
# k j hk h# # j h j #
# h trt jrht# # et k#
#j ehjj j #######ett kh kjj k #
# r jj ekk jk th k kkk h #
#hj khe kj hr jj kk r j #
#r t k j k r j jk k hh jj#
# kjj h k j j rrr j r j #
#j kej jj t h j hh #
# he e tje j tjhkjk kj #
#j kt rjk j j ee rkj #
# jjr e j jkt j e j j#
##k thhjj je kj kh ##
# hje j jj kk t j#
## k h e ##
## e jje kkhj##