The Java DB location is not set correctly - netbeans
You have to make sure that the paths to the Java DB are actually available!
To do this please do the following:
- Click on "Windows" - "Services"
- Expand "Databases"
- Select "Java DB"
- Do a right-click and select "Properties..."
- Make sure that the locations are valid!
Sample paths
Java DB Installation: C:\glassfish\glassfish-\javadb
Database Location: C:\Users\YourUsername.netbeans-derby
Detailed instructions on how to install(probably unecessary javaDB is part of JDK6), configure and register JavaDB for Netbeans can be found @ Netbeans KB. The steps are basically:
- Find where javaDB is installed (search for folder "javadb" ?) or download and install it.
- Make/choose a directory to keep the databases in. (So now you have/know two directories)
- Register this info with Netbeans by specifying theese two directories.
- Test that it works.