The Missing Number - Version 2

Clean - Complexity Unknown

Currently works, explanation and further optimization in progress

module main
import StdEnv, StdLib, System.IO

:: Position :== [Int]
:: Positions :== [Position]
:: Digit :== (Char, Int)
:: Digits :== [Digit]
:: Number :== ([Char], Positions)
:: Numbers :== [Number]
:: Complete :== (Numbers, Positions)

decouple =: snd o unzip

//lcouple :: (.a -> .b) (.a, .c) -> (.b, .c)
lcouple fn (arg, oth) :== (fn arg, oth)

getCases :: Int *World -> ([(String, [[Char]])], *World)
getCases n world
    # (range, world)
        = evalIO getLine world
    # range
        = fromString range
    # spacePos
        = elemIndex ' ' range
    | isNothing spacePos
        = abort "invalid input, expected space in range\n"
    # (a, b)
        = splitAt (fromJust spacePos) range
    # (a, b)
        = (toInt (toString a), toInt (toString (tl b)))
    # numbers
        = [(fromString o toString) number \\ number <- [a..(b-1)]]
    # (string, world)
        = evalIO getLine world
    | n > 1
        # (cases, world)
            = getCases (n - 1) world
        = ([(string, numbers) : cases], world)
    = ([(string, numbers)], world)
singletonSieve :: Complete -> Complete
singletonSieve (list, sequence)
    | sequence_ == sequence
        = reverseSieve (list, sequence)
    = (list_, sequence_)
    singles :: Positions
        = [hd pos \\ (_, pos) <- list | length pos == 1]
    list_ :: Numbers
        = map (app2 (id, filter notInOtherSingle)) list
        notInOtherSingle :: Position -> Bool
        notInOtherSingle pos
            = not (isAnyMember pos (flatten (filter ((<>) pos) singles)))
    sequence_ :: Positions
        = foldr splitSequence sequence singles

reverseSieve :: Complete -> Complete
reverseSieve (list, sequence)
    | sequence_ == sequence
        = (list, sequence)
    = (list_, sequence_)
    singles :: Positions
        = [hd pos \\ pos <- [[subSeq \\ subSeq <- sequence | isMember subSeq p] \\ (_, p) <- list] | length pos == 1]
        //= [hd pos \\ pos <- | length pos == 1]
    list_ :: Numbers
        = map (app2 (id, filter (\b_ = (notInOtherSingle b_) && (hasContiguousRun b_)))) list
        notInOtherSingle :: Position -> Bool
        notInOtherSingle pos
            = not (isAnyMember pos (flatten (filter ((<>) pos) singles)))
        hasContiguousRun :: Position -> Bool
        hasContiguousRun pos
            //= any (any (isPrefixOf pos) o tails) sequence_
            = and [isMember p (flatten sequence_) \\ p <- pos]
    sequence_ :: Positions
        = foldr splitSequence sequence singles
splitSequence :: Position Positions -> Positions
splitSequence split sequence
    = flatten (map newSplit (map (span (not o ((flip isMember) split))) sequence))
    newSplit :: (Position, Position) -> Positions
    newSplit ([], b)
        # b
            = drop (length split) b
        | b > []
            = [b]
        = []
    newSplit (a, b)
        # b
            = drop (length split) b
        | b > []
            = [a, b]
        = [a]

indexSubSeq :: [Char] Digits -> Positions
indexSubSeq _ []
    = []
indexSubSeq a b
    # remainder
        = indexSubSeq a (tl b)
    | isPrefixOf a (map fst b)
        = [[i \\ (_, i) <- take (length a) b] : remainder]
        //= [[i \\ _ <- a & (_, i) <- b] : remainder]
    = remainder
missingNumber :: String [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
missingNumber string numbers
    # string
        = [(c, i) \\ c <-: string & i <- [0..]]
    # locations
        = [(number, indexSubSeq number string) \\ number <- numbers]
    # digits
        = [length (indexSubSeq [digit] [(c, i) \\ c <- (flatten numbers) & i <- [0..]]) \\ digit <-: "0123456789-"]
    # missing
        = flatten [repeatn (n - length i) c \\ n <- digits & (c, i) <- [(digit, indexSubSeq [digit] string) \\ digit <-: "0123456789-"]]
    # (answers, _)
        = until (\e = e == singletonSieve e || length [(a, b) \\ (a, b) <- fst e | length b == 0 && isMember a (candidates missing)] > 0) singletonSieve (locations, [indexList string])
    # answers
        = filter (\(_, i) = length i == 0) answers
    = filter ((flip isMember)(candidates missing)) ((fst o unzip) answers)
    candidates :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
    candidates chars
        = moreCandidates chars []
        moreCandidates :: [Char] [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
        moreCandidates [] nums
            = removeDup (filter (\num = isMember num numbers) nums)
        moreCandidates chars []
            = flatten [moreCandidates (removeAt i chars) [[c]] \\ c <- chars & i <- [0..]]
        moreCandidates chars nums
            = flatten [flatten [moreCandidates (removeAt i chars) [ [c : num] \\ num <- nums ]] \\  c <- chars & i <- [0..]]
Start world
    # (number, world)
        = evalIO getLine world
    # (cases, world)
        = getCases (toInt number) world
    =  flatlines[flatten(intersperse [', '] (missingNumber string numbers)) \\ (string, numbers) <- cases]

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