the procedure entry point __gxx_personality_v0 could not be located

The reason why this happens is because there can be a libstdc++-6.dll also in the WINDOWS\System32 directory (or in some other location where it can be found via PATH). Especially when you use different versions of MingW. So the solution is either to change the environment PATH variable in such a way that your MingW\bin directory is before the Windows system directory, replace the existing version with the newer one or copy the dll to the exectuable folder.

I had this problem as well. This fixed it for me:

  1. Go to your MinGW folder (should be C:\MinGW)
  2. Open the bin folder.
  3. There should be a file called libstdc++-6.dll
  4. Copy this into the same directory as your executable.

That should work...