The specified Gradle distribution '' does not appear to contain a Gradle distribution

I was able to solve this issue by upgrading the Gradle Version (not the Android Gradle Plugin Version). Go to Project Structure -> Project example here

After this, Gradle re-downloaded all dependencies and the build was successful.

I managed to fix this by updating the gradle version number in Project Structure in Android Studio 3.4.1

File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Gradle Version

The only think that works for me was:

  1. Click on the error link to download the gradle zip.

  2. Then go to C:\Users\YourUsername\.gradle\native and drop the content of the zip.

  3. Open AndroidStudio, go to File->Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment->Gradle

  4. Change "Use Gradle from:" to "Specified location" and paste the direction C:\Users\YourUsername\.gradle\native\NameOfTheZipContent

  5. Apply, Ok

  6. Sometimes needs to open/close AndroidStudio